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Jordana's Blog
Friday, 27 February 2009
1sdt review for Perfect Game
Mood:  special
Topic: Writing
hehehe okay so I made it back from Australia, and yes I owe you all a blog about that Trip and when I can sit down and do it justice from beginning to end (in a day or so) I will. But for now let's just say IT ROCKED!!!! I had so much fun, made new friends, and met some friends from the net. The conference was awesome....authors and readers you gotta book in for the next one it was so worth it.

I'll give the full scoop soon. :)

Anyway I came home to this fabulous review from Ck's Kwips and Kritiques

last time Jesse visited her father, the visit was less than
spectacular. However now that her mother has died she feels the need to
make that connection with the man she has never got the chance to know.
In Santa Fe, where her dad was the coach of the Santa Fe Devils, was
not only a team that thinks of her as a jinx, but the man that thinks
she’s a brat… Trevor Malone.

Malone is at a precarious stage of his career when a litany of life
changing events happens, literally all at once. He gets injured and has
a chance to step back and look at where he is and what he wants. Jesse
the coach’s daughter is back… and this time she is different.

tragedy shared is not a tragedy halved as Jesse and Trevor quickly find
out, but with an attraction that cannot be denied they come together
despite their emotional instability. Life has a way of getting into the
mix of things when you least expect it and Trevor and Jesse have a long
battle finding their way home.

Perfect Game
is my first read by Ms. Ryan and it was an absolute pleasure. We are
introduced to Jesse who comes with her set of scars and fears, but she
is also determined to take things in stride and get on with the choices
that are available to her. She has a lot to deal with and adjust to,
but with Trevor’s help she learns more about herself and the people she

star pitcher for the Santa Fe Devils, is going through his own share of
trauma as well, injured and having the reality of life literally catch
up with him is an eye opening situation that catches Trevor unawares.
He clings to Jesse to get him through it.

and Trevor’s love is a gentle process that builds from friendship and
overcomes a lot to be a force that they cannot deny. The supporting
cast lends themselves to not only making them stronger people but also
let them know and understand the quality of the love that they have for
each other.

Jordana Ryan has penned a fantastic novel with Perfect Game
that drags you through the emotional battlefield of life and love with
characters who have found each other at the time they need each other.
You’ll shed tears and fall in love all over again.

Reviewed by Sandra

I am so happy with this review!!!! :)  This book is my love child and this review makes me feel so good! Thank you Sandra!!

Posted by jordanaryan at 10:41 AM EST
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Sunday, 8 February 2009
Leaving for Melbourne This Week
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Saving Abel
Topic: Writing
Well it's finally here. I've been looking forward to it for a year and it's finally here. I can breathe again. Yes it's here. The work is done. Did I mention it is finally here. I've worked my ass off for this trip and I do fully intend to enjoy it to the fullest. 11 Days in Australia, can we say heavenly? I am so freaking excited I don't even know where to begin. I've got my two newest books, Sweet Dreams and Perfect Game hot off the presses, and I am so super psyched to say that Sweet Dreams is getting some HOT reviews. Who'd have guessed that this romance writer would have turned out some great suspense. Okay, it helped that it was romance too, but never the less I did learn that I love to write suspense, and am even trying my hand at Horror now too. Anyway, I have my business cards all ready, yes for my books, my editing, and my writing in general, and am ready to talk about the business of epublishing. I am ready to relax. I have caught up on my work, and have actually turned in everything that is due. Will be getting second edits on a couple things just before I leave and hopefully will get those done while I'm gone, but in reality everyone knows I am on vacation, and well let's be realistic, I have earned this trip. I am determined to have a great time and will report back when I get home!!:) Everyone wish me safe and happy traveling, and I promise to have a great enough time for you too :P

Posted by jordanaryan at 11:37 PM EST
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Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Don't forget!
Mood:  bright
Topic: Writing

Sweet Dreams is available from Bookstrand publishing! THis romantic Suspense Novella is one you surely won't want to miss.  Lucas and Gillian are very special to me, and I hope that you will enjoy their story as much as I enjoyed writing them.


Don't forget to take a moment and let me know what you think after you pick up a copy!




Posted by jordanaryan at 2:24 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2008
Sweet Dreams
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Writing

Hi All!

Sweet Dreams, my romantic suspense novella is due out from BookStrand Publishing on Tuesday August 12th. I know you all are my biggest supporters and I'd be honored if you'd pop on by there and pick up a copy of my newest novella!

Don't forget coming soon from BookStrand is Perfect Game, my second full length novel, and you can get No Matter What, Meant to Be, and The Wrong Woman at You can pick up a copy of my sexy short A Gentleman's Dare at

Until then, here is a little excerpt of Sweet Dreams!  Enjoy and if you pick up the book, don't forget to take a moment to write me and let me know what you thought of it!



"Why are you doing this?"

"I already told you that. Lucas has to pay!" The woman's voice cracked.

"For what?" Gillian tried to keep the woman talking. Maybe she could talk her into letting her go.

"Maybe he's snowed you. But Lucas deserves this. He doesn't care about the people he's hurt. And what's worse is he drags other people into his stupid plans."

"What do I have to do with that?" Gillian wasn't going to argue. The woman was crazy.

"He loves you. He told me." The woman glared at her. "Hell I didn't need him to tell me, I've seen it over the weeks. Why do you think so many bad things have been happening to you.?" Gillian shrugged. The woman was talking now, anything she might have said would only have made things worse. So a silent answer seemed her best option. "It didn't start out that way you know. At first it was all about him. The rock, the gun shot, I hoped like hell one of them would hit him just right. He was right by the window. That first day, he was right by the window and I missed by a mile. That's when I realized I was too angry—too close to the situation."

Gillian stared at the woman. The more she spoke, the crazier she seemed. "And you found someone to do your dirty work." The woman just stared at her. "You went to an awful lot of trouble. Why?"

The woman slammed her hands down on the table. "He knows why! And now, well, now he will pay the ultimate price. The price he made me pay." The woman's emotion choked her, and she looked away from Gillian. "Enough talk." She waved her hand in Gillian's face.

"Are you afraid that I'll make you see reason? That, unlike your little henchman there, I won't cater to your every thought and demand?"

"Shut up!"

"Maybe you're afraid I'll prove you wrong. That I'll show you that Lucas isn't—"

The woman backhanded her, and Gillian tasted blood. "I said shut up," the woman said with deadly calm.

Silence settled over the two women. Neither spoke again while they awaited the return of the man who had lured her into the back of the van. Gillian used the time to study the woman, her mannerisms and habits. If she could learn her habits, she could possibly fight for her freedom, if she was ever left alone with the woman again. But first, she'd have to be uncuffed, and what were the chances of that happening?

The cell phone buzzed on the nightstand and the woman moved to answer it. The woman was smaller than Gillian. If it came to a battle of strength, Gillian was sure she could overtake the nutcase.

"Carl! Where have you been?" the woman screeched into the phone. "Yeah, there something going on, stupid! Why would I be calling if there wasn't?"

A long pause followed and Gillian wished she could here what Carl was saying.

"I don't want to hear it! I'm working with a couple of idiots!" Another pause. "Family or not. I think I'm the only one with any brains here."

The woman shook her head, and her cheeks flamed again, reminding Gillian of the devil.

"It's time to move to the next step. Your father jumped the gun, and we've got the girl. Tomorrow, you need to inform Lucas that we have her, anonymously of course. Tell him to wait for our next demand at her house. We'll deliver it in twenty-four hours."

Gillian wanted to scream. Twenty-four hours with these people. Were they really going to let her go?

"When he shows up, he'll find our million-dollar demand." A low rumble of laughter came out of the woman. She listened to whatever was said and nodded although the other speaker couldn't see her. "That's right. Now, don't Fuck this up!" She snarled just before she closed the phone.

The door burst open and startled the woman turned. "What the hell?"

"Someone was pulling into the driveway. I Snuck out the back door. I hauled ass out of there in a hurry."

"Did anyone see you?" Panic colored her words.

"I don't think so." The man huffed trying to catch his breath.

"Put her back in the bed. It's done. Carl will do his part first thing in the morning. There's nothing more we can do tonight."

Gillian choked on disgust when the man came near her again and unlocked the cuffs that held her in place. He grabbed her and forced her to stand. Moments later, she was pushed back into the bed and secured in place. Gillian was grateful when he left her alone and walked into the bathroom. Seconds later, she heard the shower turn on and the woman settled back on the bed that sat a few feet from the one she had been forced onto.

A half hour later, the man exited the shower in a pair of boxer shorts and he crossed the room and turned out the lights. In the pitch black, she couldn't see and fear once again set in. When her eyes adjusted, she breathed a sigh of relief to see the man settled into a small chair near the window with his head back and eyes closed. At least for tonight, it seemed that the two loony tunes who kidnapped her planned to leave her alone.

Gillian prayed. Lord, please help me to endure this. Keep me safe and let Lucas come for me. Gillian thought for a moment. On second thought, if Lucas is going to die, keep him away. I couldn't live with that. Gillian ended her prayer not bothering to think about the fact that in essence she may have just bargained with God for the life of Lucas in exchange for her own.

Posted by jordanaryan at 3:30 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2008
Birthday Resolutions
Mood:  happy
Topic: Life
Hello Loyal  Jordana Readers:)


So today is my birthday, and I've decided that this year is going to be a great one for me. Not because anything magical is going to happen but because I'm going to make it happen. I'm happy and in love, healthy and dedicated. There is a lot going on in Jordana Land!  I'm working on a couple of stories that are great!  No Greater Love is another tear jerker and I must say it's really good...I can't wait to get it done. Simply Irresistable is fun, it's funny, and overall I think it's something you all will enjoy :)

Perfect Game and Sweet Dreams are coming. Sweet Dreams is due to be released over at BookStrand Publishing on August 12th and Perfect Game should be in for edits very soon!

I'm going to Australia in February and couldn't be more excited!  

So here are some things I am going to dedicate myself to every day this year!

1. Continue working out everyday and getting myself in shape

2. Write EVERYDAY no matter what

3. Take time to be nice to myself EVERYDAY

4. Appreciate the little things.

5. Recognize the talent I have and be confident in it...not just with my writing but everything I do.

6. Don't give up! No matter what I will keep going! I will keep submitting my stories to agents and publishers and I will enjoy each success big or small and learn from my failures and rejections.

7. Appreciate my loved ones. I've made some really good friends this year and each of them are cherished and loved more than they know. Not only that, my old friends aren't too shabby either and the time we've spent together, and the years we've spent growing love aren't forgotten!

8. Be more patient with Chey and myself.

9. Learn to live with not perfect. If I keep striving for perfect I'll never be happy, so instead of striving for perfect, I plan to strive for my best!

10. Spend time doing promotions every week, including keeping up with my myspace and my website on a weekly basis :)

11. To get to next year on August 7th and be happier, healthier and wiser than I am today.

I think overall those are some pretty good goals :)

Until we meet again,



Posted by jordanaryan at 1:19 AM EDT
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Saturday, 8 March 2008
It's been a while
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Writing

it's been a long time since I've blogged here, life and writing has kept me pretty busy. I've contracted two new stories, A Gentleman's Dare with Mystic Moon Press, and Sweet Dreams with BookStrand publishing. I also finished Perfect game and have that one sent out for possible publication as well!  I am excited about my new story Simply Irresistable, and looking forward to all the new things to come in the remainder of this year.


I'm getting serious about my websites, look for changes soon, as I strive to improve the information here and how it is presented!  

Posted by jordanaryan at 5:20 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Writing
It's as simple as walking outside and breathing in the fresch scent of the sweet air we breathe. An overheard coversation or a sweet word from a friend. It's in the sadness we see when we turn on the news, or hear a story of another's heartbreak. Inspiration is everywhere if only you open your mind to it.

Posted by jordanaryan at 2:11 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 October 2007
Musings from a tired mind
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Little Bear LOL
Topic: Writing

Ok I'd love to get some opinions from my readers and fellow writers. Ultimately I want to make this an interactive place where we are all free to chat! So let me start with these two questions.


What would you most like to see me do with this blog?


What would you most like to see me write next?


Thanks for taking the time!


Posted by jordanaryan at 6:49 PM EDT
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Sunday, 14 October 2007
Another Day
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Fergie Big Girls Don't Cry
Topic: Current Events

This has been such an odd weekend. I had such plans for what to do with it and none have materialiized. However I am finally getting around to updating my website and trying to get my myspace switched over. Although I am not sure how much I will Blog there when I can blog here. It's quite possible I will duplicate alot hehe and see which one I like better. I got another review on No Matter What today and it was another great one. I've decided to start adding my reviews to my site. So thiis one was from Cocktail reviews and here is a little sample of what it said.

 A charming tale that at times forces the reader to examine things in their own life. I sympathised with Cass’ self-esteem problems and that she deemed herself ‘not worthy’. To learn to love yourself is one of the hardest things to do sometimes, and I wanted Cass to do just that. I don’t usually go for the happy endings, but this time I cheered it on!


Thanks to Lovely Butterfly for the great review and Four Champagne Glass rating.


If you'd like to read the whole review go here:


Currently I am working on edits of Perfect Game and am really excited about this story! I'll keep you posted!

 Embarassed Jordana



Posted by jordanaryan at 6:02 PM EDT
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